Early bird special: Save $15 On each class ticket


Underglaze Kit

Enhance your ceramic clay piece with beautiful designs in saturated, lead-free underglaze colors from AMACO Brent that stand out after kiln firing. Can be used with or without glaze. Kit includes how-to instructions plus AP Non-toxic underglaze color(s) of your choosing + vegan paintbrush with bamboo handle. Using 2-3 colors works best for some of the techniques in the instructions. Learn more in our “Firing, Finishing + Decorating” FAQs.

*excluded from BOGO sale*

NOTE: Ordering multiple colors? Keep in mind we include just one paintbrush + instructional guide per order.

Air Dry Clay Add-On

Stock up on more premium air dry clay (included in the Air Dry Clay Kit) + keep the good work going. Contains enough clay for 1-2 people. Dries white/light gray. Dry time: 2-3 days. No kiln needed. Not waterproof.

Ceramic Clay Add-On

Stock up on more locally-sourced clay (included in the Ceramic Clay Kit) + keep the good work going. Contains enough clay for 1-2 people. Dry time: 7-10 days. Waterproof/food-safe when kiln fired (and we can help with that).

Sold Out
Sculpting Tools Add-On

Sculpt + design like a pro with 6 essential tools, including: pointy wooden tool (for making holes + scoring your clay), wire ribbon tool (for carving your clay), wooden sculpting tools + a small sponge (to smooth your clay).

NOTE: These are included in the Air Dry + Ceramic kits.


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